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Schedule A Free 20 Minute Discovery Call

I am the cool and consistent, meditative and mindful, steady and strong lake that people from all over come to explore.

They come to see the spectacular view, but are amazed by their own reflection - seeing who they were, who they are, and who they are becoming. Impressed upon them is their Life Purpose. They come alive! They Inspire 2 Transpire.

Are you fulfilled? Are you living your life's purpose? Do you want to make a change, but it seems overwhelming or daunting? Not knowing exactly what is needed or maybe you aren’t sure where to start?

I am trained in the skill of asking powerful questions and offering experiential exercises designed to help you connect with your inner wisdom. You know what is right for you. And I am here to help you along that adventure.

Our mind, bodies and emotional states are all intertwined. They also serve as our personal road maps for living an authentic and purposeful life.

Love who you are.
And love who you are becoming.

Love who you are. And love who you are becoming.Working with me is about accepting life as it is, not about creating or expecting perfection. We have little ultimate control over what life throws at us. Rather, we need to be welcoming of what we get. If we release the mind from constantly wanting our situation to be different, we can find more ease. This release is not passivity; it's not to say we can't change our reality. But just for the moment, can we let go of the struggle with reality? This may free us to think more clearly and be more effective in transpiring.

Stay Connected

Tara Lynn Warren, Professional Co-Active Coach

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