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Ullam qui culpa officiis quo accusamus et numquam. Non dolor exercitationem expedita et rerum. In corporis delectus et magnam rerum. Et maxime natus sed aut temporibus dolor qui.

Ullam qui culpa officiis quo accusamus et numquam. Non dolor exercitationem expedita et rerum. In corporis delectus et magnam rerum. Et maxime natus sed aut temporibus dolor qui.


Co-actively design a collaborative partnership to empower the client to rediscover their authentic selves and reclaim their power over their personal and professional lives, living lives they have always dreamt of: focusing on goals for the present and future.


Work with employed individuals or teams to exceed career expectations through intrinsic motivation and fueling ambitions; Challenging them to achieve at the next level, setting and achieving goals that are ambitious and even a bit audacious.


Enable young people to do the things they want to do - growing and achieving goals;  Changing things they believe need to be changed in their selves, surroundings, and society.


Finding the right college should start with finding yourself, but that journey isn’t always easy alone; Together, we’ll work towards a direction and secondary interests because a back up plan is always a good plan.


Coaching to include career assessments, career exploration, career decision-making, resumes, personal branding, interview strategies, job search strategies, etc.

Stress & Anxiety

As humans, we often worry about things that are completely out of our control; Rather than pouring our energy and effort into the important things that we can control. Let’s start by taking inventory of those things in our life that we CAN control and exercise that control.   


Find the willingness to come together in a relationship and help one another, along with a commitment to contributing to the greater good; When we are happy and healthy, we will bond and connect with each other on a profound level.


Grief moves at its own pace; Why is this and what can we do about it? We will work towards a goal to someday remember with more love and less pain.


Trauma changes people's mind, brain, and body, leaving them in a place they desperately wish to escape; Yet the very event that caused them so much pain has also become their sole source of meaning. We will work together to alter one's mental flexibility.  

Social/Emotional Intelligence

In a society that tends to not have time for feelings at all, you will learn to sit with those feelings as they may be just what we need - by consciously sitting with and listening to your feelings, you will figure out what you need, and exactly what you can do about it.


More self awareness is always the aim. Working together, you will learn to trust in your own power over your own life. Sitting in whatever we happen to be experiencing, watching it pass, and choosing to focus on the positive parts of the experience.


To simply sit and be present with everything that you are in this moment. Meditating will help one become more and more accepting of all that they are, in the here and now. the place where it is completely acceptable to just BE.


Yoga is an inside/out practice; a journey of the self, through the self, to the self. The more aware we can be on the mat, that awareness is going to transfer to our everyday life.

Sober Curious

Knowing you have the control to create a life that feels meaningful to you; Sobriety may be what you need. Why Sober Curious and not Sober Sober? Because life is hard enough without living with the pressure of trying to be perfect.

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